
Francophone Regional Workshop on "Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs)" [Rabat, Maroc]

Event Date

A training workshop on Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) for French-speaking countries was held on 26-27 August 2015 in Rabat, Morocco. This event was co-organized by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Cluster Francophone of the International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV. Financing was made available by a number of donors and in collaboration with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat, the Institut de la Francophonie pour le Développement Durable (IFDD), the Global Support Programme (GSP) for the Preparation of National Communications and Biennial Update Reports as well as the Centre Marocain de Compétences Changements Climatiques (4C).

The event has brought together 67 participants from 26 francophone countries, thereof 22 Non-Annex-I countries. Additionally, 13 experts of multi- and bilateral organizations and consultants attended the workshop. 

On the 19th Conference of the Parties (COP) in Warsaw and the COP20 in Lima, countries were invited to initiate or intensify domestic preparations for their INDCs in the context of the 2015 Agreement. Towards this background, UNDP and the Cluster Francophone organized a technical workshop in order to support the countries with their INDC preparation processes and submissions. The event capitalized upon the Regional Technical Dialogues on INDCs 2014-2015 carried out by UNDP and UNFCCC, the Global INDC Conference which took place in Berlin in April 2015 as well as upon the Workshop on GHG inventories organized by the Cluster Francophone in Paris in April 2015.

The main objectives of the workshop were:

  • Provide profound technical capacities with regards to four thematic areas which are in line with INDC preparation; each topic was headed by a research person in the framework of a “clinic”;
  • Provide a learning platform from already submitted INDCs;
  • Address the latest technical issues related to INDC preparation;
  • Improve participants’ capacities to prepare and submit their INDCs before the deadline of 1st October 2015, with the aim to guarantee their inclusion in the UNFCCC synthesis report.

The workshop was organized around four thematic “clinics”. Based on the results of a UNFCCC survey covering 49 LDC and SIDS countries, the following themes were identified:

  • Baselines and dealing with data gaps for INDC preparation;
  • Options for INDC types and upfront information;
  • Adaptation in INDCs;
  • National validation of INDCs, including public participation and political buy-in.

The workshop provided a particular opportunity for French-speaking countries to exchange their experiences and lessons learnt in the process of preparing their INDCs. Moreover, the countries had the chance to address specific challenges and questions on different topics in line with their INDC preparation and finalization.

You can download the workshop report, the agenda and the presentations here.

Click through the gallery to view pictures from the workshop; © GIZ