Concept Note for the Anglophone Africa Regional Workshop [November, 6-8 | Harare, Zimbabwe]
Event Date
Title: "How to strengthen MRV capacities and prepare for the Enhanced Transparency Framework"
Workshop content:
- Overview of the ETF and consideration of what this means for national MRV systems
- Parallel sectoral sessions on three sectors: AFOLU (agriculture, forestry and land use), energy and transport
- “Clinics” cases, to work collectively to address specific challenges facing participating countries
Target group:
The workshop is aimed at policy-makers and practitioners from English-speaking African countries involved in developing and implementing transparency systems with a focus on the AFOLU, energy and transport sector. It will link the work of practitioners in their own countries with the negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
- Share experiences, challenges and potential solutions related to implementing the Paris Agreement, with a specific focus on transparency
- Promote technical capacity building in different fields of climate policy and action, with a specific focus on transparency
- Facilitate regional networking
Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement