Virtual Workshop on "Enabling transparency in the AFOLU sector: Enhancing Data Collection and Institutional Arrangements" [December, 1 - 3 | online]
On the 1st and 3rd December 2020 the PATPA Asia Regional Group hosted the virtual workshop “Enabling transparency in the AFOLU sector: Enhancing Data Collection and Institutional Arrangements”. In addition, a pre-workshop event took place on 17th November in order to get some insights to better prepare the December event.
The event was organized jointly by the Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement (PATPA) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Supported by the Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Research Center of Korea (GIR) on behalf of the Korean Ministry of Environment and the Global Support Programme (GSP) jointly implemented by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
The workshop aimed to update on the status of negotiations on transparency, address the issue of Institutional Arrangements and Data Collection in the AFOLU sector and discuss on MRV in the AFOLU (agriculture, forestry and other land use) sector.
For this, the participants were given the opportunity to share knowledge, create peer to peer learning and receive in-depth trainings on Data Collection and Institutional Arrangements in several parallel Breakout Room sessions. During the pre-workshop event, the UNFCCC secretariat gave an input presentation on the requirements for transparency under the ETF. On the 1st December workshop Japan shared insights on the topic. In addition, participants received an update and different useful tools, e-learnings and exchange platforms at the end of the last workshop day. The Greenhouse Gas Abatement Cost Model (GACMO) was presented as a tool to a specific national context used to make analysis of mitigation options and their effects in terms of GHG emissions reduction in the context of NDC preparation or update. GACMO offers a clear description of the total reduction of GHG emissions, total inversion and total annual cost.
Moreover, experiences, challenges and potential solutions in implementing the ETF were shared, while facilitating regional networking and collaborative climate action to ultimately advance the implementation and raise NDC ambition. Marketplace tools such as U.S. EPA NGHGI templates were discussed in this context.
PATPA will continue to support the network with an in-person workshop as a follow-up to this event, provide the opportunity to exchange on MS Teams, develop webinars, and try to support countries with new or updated Tools and Documents as well as with its Climate Helpdesk.