
Side event of the Asia-Pacific Climate Week 2021 on "Ready for the Biennial Transparency Report?" [ July, 6 - 9 | online]

Event Date

Article 13 of the Paris Agreement established an Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) for action and support that takes into account Parties’ different capacities and builds upon collective experience. Tracking and understanding of the progress of implementations and achievement of climate actions is not only critical to achieving the Paris Agreement goals, but also assisting countries in putting in place effective climate policies, prioritizing areas where actions are most needed and where climate finance would deliver the best outcomes.

At COP24 in Katowice, Parties agreed on Modalities, Procedures and Guidelines (MPGs) for the Enhanced Transparency Framework. The MPGs are applicable to all Parties to the Paris Agreement with flexibility to those developing countries that need it in the light of their capacities.  The first reports under the enhanced transparency framework will be submitted by Parties  by no later than 31 December 2024.


This event aims at learning from countries where they stand in preparing for the submission of the Biennial Transparency Report (BTR) in 2024. It will provide opportunity for participants to discuss the main needs and challenges in getting ready.

The event will be structured as a panel discussion with developing countries at various stages of implementation of planning towards the BTR. The panellists will debate upon their institutional readiness and their planning for transitioning towards ETF while ensuring the preparation of the BTR and the associated opportunities and challenges in the process.

The discussion will enable countries to exchange lessons learned and best practice and learn from peers on the initial steps to be prepared. This segment also aims at raising the awareness that the time is already very short and stimulating governments to take action now.

Tacking stock from the discussion, FAO and PATPA will introduce to the audience the BTR guidance and roadmap tool that help countries plan the preparation process of their BTR as well as preparing a roadmap for implementing it. The tool presents key elements to be considered when planning for a BTR and good practices and recommendations for improving the quality of the process over time. The guidance is complemented by questions related to national reporting capacity. Replies to the questions are used to generate an indicative roadmap tailored to the country's specific situation.

The session is divided into two parts:

First part: Stocktaking on country readiness

Second part: Presentation of the BTR guidance and roadmap tool


The event will take place on Tuesday 6 July 2021 (17:00 - 17:55) in the Virtual Space at the following zoom link (Passcode: RBTR2021). The event is open to all participants. 
