Transparency Day on "Institutional Arrangements: Key component for robust transparency systems” [September, 8 | online]
This year’s Asia LEDS Partnership (ALP) Forum 2021 “Advancing NDC implementation and strengthening the Long-Term Strategy” is taking place virtually from 24th August to 9th September 2021.
Within the ALP Forum 2021, PATPA is organizing the session C4 on “Institutional Arrangements: Key component for robust transparency systems”. Find a summary of the fruitful discussion by clicking HERE.
The platform serves as the premier gathering of policymakers, donors, practitioners, and other experts involved in enabling low-emission, climate-resilient development in Asia and explores synergies and collaboration opportunities to advance climate change goals. The three-week ALP forum will focus on supporting developing countries to advance implementation and raise ambition of NDCs and LT LEDS through thematic interventions on energy and transport, and cross-cutting topics including financing instruments (carbon markets/green bonds), Sub-National Integration (SNI) and transparency systems. Please find more detailed information like the agenda here.
On Wednesday, September 8, the topic of the day is transparency, with two exciting sessions taking place:
C3 - The Enhanced Transparency Framework: Guidance for implementation
Date & Time: Wednesday, 8 September 2021 (11:00 - 12:30 Bangkok time)
Register here to participate in the session.
This session will present various facets and updates on Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) and some of the common challenges. Furthermore, the event will provide introduction and application of various tools and guidance available to enhance transparency for the Asian countries. - C4 - Institutional Arrangements: Key component for robust transparency systems
Date & Time: Wednesday, 8 September 2021 (14:30 – 16:00 Bangkok time)
Register here to participate in the session.
Here, the speakers will share options and benefits of institutional arrangements with their challenges and potential solutions for Asian countries focusing at ensuring robust transparency in the region. PATPA will be moderating this event.
The following experts will speak at the events: