The Good Practice Database presents various examples of good practices worldwide which demonstrate how climate policies and actions are being effectively designed and implemented across a range of national contexts. This analysis is a joint initiative of the Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement, the UNDP Low Emission Capacity Building Programme and the NDC Support Cluster.

Building Local Scientific Capacities For the NAP Process in Senegal

Senegal, Sub-Saharan Africa
The implementation of National Adaptation Plans (NAP) can be effectively used for building and strengthening local technical and scientific capacities, as has been proven by Senegal. Through a science-based support project for Senegal’s …

Strategies Mainstreaming of Ecosystem-Based Adaptation (EBA) In Vietnam

Viet Nam, East Asia and Pacific
The project ”Strategic mainstreaming of ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) in Vietnam” provides the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment with technical support to systematically integrate innovative ecosystem-based solutions into …

Market-Making for Low Carbon Technologies / The Ujala Scheme in India

India, South Asia
The UJALA (Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for All) programme was initiated by the Indian Ministry of Power in 2014 to reduce national energy consumption (and thereby CO2 emissions) by increasing the market penetration of energy-efficient …

Implementing a national energy efficiency programme

China, East Asia and Pacific
China’s mandatory energy conservation target-setting policy for large energy users, known as the Top-10,000 programme was introduced in 2011, as an expansion of its successful predecessor, the Top 1,000 programme which operated between 2006 …

Collaboration to prioritise and select mitigation actions

Lebanon, Middle East and North Africa
To identify and prioritize promising concepts for developing into NAMA proposals, the Lebanese Ministry of Environment in cooperation with the UNDP Low Emission Capacity Building (LECB) Programme engaged a range of national stakeholders and …

Developing municipal level mitigation action plans

Georgia, Europe and Central Asia
Georgia, a country with 4.5 million inhabitants, is currently developing a national low emission development strategy. At the local level, Covenant of Mayor signatory cities are planning to make significant contributions to this strategy …

Integrated research and scenario building for LEDS development

South Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa
The Mitigation Action Plans and Scenarios (MAPS) process grew out of the experience of developing the South African Long Term Mitigation Scenarios (LTMS) during 2006-2008. The approach focuses on understanding how change happens in systems …