12th UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT Programme is successfully completed
The UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT Programme on Greenhouse Gases (GHG) inventories took place on 25th July to 12th August 2022 in Seoul, South Korea. It is a professional training on GHG inventories for national experts from developing countries.
Through a tailored and focused approach, the programme aims to significantly boost the technical capacity of young and mid-career experts from developing countries in preparing the national GHG inventories.
The Program is jointly organized by the Greenhouse Gas Inventory & Research Center of Korea (GIR), the Secretariat of UNFCCC and supported by the Partnership on Transparency in Paris Agreement (PATPA).
This year’s programme brought to Seoul 25 selected participants from 21 countries representing ministries, governmental agencies, education and research institutions. During an intensive three-week training, the participants of which more than 60% were women learned about the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) of the Paris Agreement, basics of national inventory report, emissions projections, as well as dedicated sessions on sector GHG emissions and MRV methodologies for the AFOLU, Energy, IPPU and waste sectors and preparation of Biennial Update Reports (BUR) and National Communications (NC). Each session was supplemented with hands-on trainings and country case studies to provide a space for knowledge and experience exchange between the participants.
On the 11th August 2022 the participants had the opportunity to take part in a side- event on Challenges and Opportunities with a focus on National GHG Inventories at the 13th International Greenhouse Gas Conference. The event allowed the countries to discuss their status and experience in preparation of their national GHG inventory systems, by also listing their needs and relevant gaps that exist. Additionally, experiences were shared regarding the transition from the current MRV system under the UNFCCC to the ETF of the Paris Agreement. The recording of the event can be viewed through this LINK