Climate Helpdesk Workshop in Tbilisi, Georgia on ”Raising Awareness on the Paris Agreement and its Transparency requirements for policy makers, practitioners, and the private sector”
On 22nd – 24th February 2023 the Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement (PATPA) conducted a workshop in Tbilisi, Georgia on the topic of ”Raising Awareness on the Paris Agreement and its Transparency requirements for policy makers, practitioners, and the private sector”. The workshop was conceived on demand from the national counterpart, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia (MEPA) through the PATPA Climate Helpdesk in close cooperation with the GIZ Nitric Acid Climate Action Group (NACAG) Program.
The overall goal of the workshop was to enhance the awareness of industry and private sector on the Paris Agreement and Georgia’s respective commitments and improve the participation of these stakeholders in GHG inventory reporting, e.g. the Biennial Transparency Report. The activities during the three day-workshop aimed to introduce participants from industry (such as cement, metal, or fertilizer production) to the importance of reporting data on GHG emissions, on mitigation actions related to fuel combustion and production processes, as well as providing them with the fundamentals on data collecting, management, and reporting.
It is expected that the provided support will facilitate an improved cooperation between the Georgian Government and the industry representatives for enhanced data collection and processes for better quality of the GHG inventory and overall climate reporting.