Providing impetus for NDC implementation and updating: 5 new case studies added to the Good Practice Database (GPD)
Galvanising country leaders from around the world to present their plans on to update their NDCs by 2020, the UN Climate Action Summit, which took place on 23 September 2019 in New York, has reiterated the importance and urgency of taking ambitious climate action. In order to help countries drive forward change in this area, an easily searchable and insightful online tool is available. The Good Practice Database (GPD) features good practice case studies from around the globe that showcase how climate actions and polices are being effectively conceived and realised. Between July and October 2019, 5 new case studies have been added to the database as part of a joint initiative of PATPA, the UNDP Low Emission Capacity Building Programme and the IKI NDC Support Cluster. Covering a broad range of adaptation and mitigation actions, the cases aim to serve as inspiration for other countries seeking to revise and update their NDCs.
- Scaling up ambition: Lessons from British Columbia’s carbon tax: Introduced in 2008, British Columbia’s carbon tax is paid by all individuals and businesses that purchase and use fuel in the province. Currently set at CAD 40/tCO2eq and further rising in the coming years, the tax has given the provincial economy a real push to invest in low-carbon production technologies.
- The Huella Chile Carbon Management Programme: Involving the public and private sector in climate change mitigation: HuellaChile promotes the voluntary participation of Chilean public and private entities in GHG quantification, reporting and reduction. The programme has inter alia established a system of seals to recognise the effort and commitment of organisations that seek to manage their GHG emissions.
- Learning from Nepal’s National Adaptation Plan formulation process: Nepal’s NAP formulation process has been carried out in an outmost inclusive manner by engaging vulnerable groups and emphasising gender concerns and was characterised by a scientific basis for decision-making.
- Fostering resilient silvo-pastoral practices in Senegal: The promotion of enriched closed forest areas in the groundnut basin: Developed by local communities in Senegal’s groundnut basin, this initiative aims at rehabilitating and maintaining silvo-pastoral resources in order to produce ecologic and socio-economic benefits.
- Financing climate action: The GCF country programme as a priority investment framework for Togo: Designing the country programme as a framework for interactions between the GCF and the country, the Togolese government has adopted a multi-stakeholder and multi-sectoral consultative approach.
The GPD is jointly maintained by the Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement (PATPA), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) NDC Support Programme, the IKI NDC Support Cluster, the NDC Partnership and the Low Emissions Development Strategies Global Partnership (LEDS GP). Over the course of the next few months, further good practices will be added to the GPD, encompassing topics such as the assessment of private climate finance flows, GHG inventories and vulnerability mapping.