Recordings of Side Events on Transparency at the SBs 56
From 6 to 16 June 2022, delegations from all around the world gathered in Bonn for the Bonn Climate Change Conference (SB 56) to drive forward the implementation of the Paris Agreement. Since the conference is the central preparation meeting ahead of COP27, it will set the cornerstones for the progress of international climate policy this year.
Alongside the negotiations many side events took place, including events thematically related to transparency. If you were not able to attend them, we provide a list for you with links leading to the recordings.
Below you can find an overview of the side events that focused on transparency. To access the recording of each event just click on the respective title.
Transition to the Enhanced Transparency Framework: An update on key developments – including inputs on reporting tools, review processes, engagement with developing country parties, and next steps in ETF implementation.
The next generation of the IPCC Inventory Software: A key tool to support the ETF implementation – addresses software development/enhancement, interoperability and a demo of the new AFOLU and Energy sectors.
How Accountability Mechanisms and Climate Justice can unlock climate finance and action? – how can enhanced transparency + accountability help to make climate finance accessible.
The Role of Systematic Observations in the Global Stocktake (GST) – from Global to National – presentation of the report of the Systemic Observations community and the Global Carbon Budget.
Supporting the Implementation of the MRV Arrangements and Enhanced Transparency Framework – overview of support available to developing countries through international partners, including financial resources for national reporting.
Details and recordings of most of the events can be found on the official UNFCCC side event website of SB 56 (click here to access the webpage).