Providing guidance on MRV development

Transparency Toolkit: Addressing the challenges of transparency in mitigation reporting in transport

Transparency is the cornerstone of evaluating the impact of mitigation efforts. Reliable, transparent, and comprehensive information on emissions and actions forms an essential basis for understanding current emission levels, the efficiency of existing efforts, and the progress that has already been made. 

However, tracking that information remains one of the biggest challenges within the transport sector due to oftentimes poor data availability, but also inadequate measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) systems. 

The Transparency Toolkit aims to address these challenges. It provides guidance on the development of comprehensive and consistent national systems for the MRV of transport-related emissions. Well-designed MRV systems increase the transparency of mitigation actions and thus ensure that measures are effective and progressive. Additionally, they improve transport planning and implementation, as well as providing data for UNFCCC and national reporting requirements. 

Providing guidance on MRV development

The Transparency Toolkit contains sections on general information, capacity development, as well as detailed case studies to provide insights on already established MRV systems. As seen in the picture above, it is structured into the three key phases of MRV development: 

Phase 1: Defining the scope and boundaries 

Phase 2: Scenarios and modelling 

Phase 3: Monitoring 

Simply select the desired module and find a number of documents designed to establish successful MRV systems. For a more detailed overview of the content of this Toolkit, check out the Content Overview Section! 

Intrigued? Check out this article on for further information on the Transparency Toolkit and other Toolkits and watch the tutorial for a more detailed explanation on its structure!