Published by
Mitigation Momentum

Status Report on Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs)

This latest Annual Status report on Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) mid-year update 2015, provides a snapshot of the current state of play of NAMAs.

The first section looks at the latest statistics on NAMA development worldwide, drawing from the UNFCCC NAMA registry and the NAMA Database. In addition to providing a general overview, recent developments relevant to NAMA development and support are also highlighted.The second chapter is a guest contribution from CCAP and takes a close look at recent developments around the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and its relevance for NAMAs. Chapter three is especially timely as it looks at emerging insights on the work countries are undertaking in formulating their mitigation ambition and contributions, with reflections on the role of NAMAs in relation to Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs).The Status Report closes with a section on the Future of NAMAs which builds on the main conclusions of the previous Status Report and the insightful discussions of an expert panel at the ‘Future of NAMAs’ side event, held in parallel to COP20 negotiations in Lima last December.

This report is prepared and published as part of the Mitigation Momentum project, a collaboration between ECN Policy Studies and Ecofys Germany. The project aims to support the development of Nationally AppropriateMitigation Actions (NAMAs) by contributing to the concrete development of NAMA proposals, and foster cooperation and knowledge exchange within the NAMA community.