Published by
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

The Emissions Gap report (Synthesis report)

This sixth UNEP Emissions Gap Report provides a scientific assessment of the mitigation contributions from the submitted INDCs. As in the previous reports, it then compares the resulting emission levels in 2030 with what science tells us is required to be on track towards the agreed target of a global average temperature increase below 2°C by 2100.

The Report also provides data for the aspirational target of keeping the temperature increase below 1.5°C. In addition, the Report presents selected areas where enhanced action can be taken, accelerated and scaled up to close the emissions gap.

By 1 October 2015, a total of 119 INDCs had been submitted to the UNFCCC. Fifteen INDCs included only mitigation, while most included both adaptation and mitigation components. The report presents qualitative information about the adaptation component of the INDCs submitted.

The report has been prepared by an international team of leading scientists assessing all available information, including that reviewed by the IPCC in its fifth assessment report, as well as more recent scientific studies. The assessment production process has been transparent and participatory. The assessment methodology and preliminary findings were made available to governments and stakeholders concerned during relevant international fora as well as on the UNEP Live website. The governments of the countries with specific mention in the report have been invited to comment on the assessment findings.

To download the full document see links column.