
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report


On August 9th, IPCC’s Working Group I released the first part of the Panel’s sixth Assessment Report (AR6) covering the physical science basis of climate change. Among the most striking insights of the report is the fact that various changes in our planet’s climate – like sealevel rise – are already irreversible for centuries to come. If not abated by decisive worldwide emission reduction programmes, going beyond 1.5° of global warming could happen within the next two decades already. The earth is warming at an even faster rate than assumed few years ago, giving decision-makers a very short time window to act, if more warming and e.g. resulting extreme weather events are to be averted. The report points out the importance of mitigation and adaptation and highlights the significance of regional data for climate risk assessments.


Without adequate regional, national and local data effective climate mitigation and adaptation measures cannot be implemented. Financial and technical support to implement these measures is especially needed for developing countries. Given the urgency of action needed to stay below the 1.5° threshold, PATPA stands ready to support countries in the areas of transparency including data collection, management and analysis which are needed for robust scenarios to define ambitious and realistic national climate adaptation and mitigation targets, and to monitor the effects of national and global climate action.


The report and various complementary documents (e.g. summary for policy makers and technical summary) can be found here (English): https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg1/


Portuguese version of IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C:

Aquecimento Global de 1,5°C (Sumário para Formuladores de Políticas) em português: https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2019/07/SPM-Portuguese-version.pdf