
Nominations open until April 12: Remote Training on the IPCC Inventory Software for National GHG Inventories for the African Region

COP26 in Glasgow recognized the significant contribution of the IPCC inventory software in the operationalization of the MPGs for the ETF of the Paris Agreement.

Are you member of GHG inventory management system (energy; industrial processes and product use; agriculture, forestry and other land use; waste) of your country in Africa? Then get in touch with your UNFCCC National Focal Point to be nominated to participate in the Remote Training on the IPCC Inventory Software for National GHG Inventories for the African Region which will be organized by the UNFCCC secretariat in collaboration with the IPCC, from 19 to 22 April 2022.

Nominations close on 12 April 2022.

Simultaneous English/French translation will be provided during the training.
For more information, contact @email