Published by
Carbon Market Watch

A Beginner's guide to NAMAs

This guide has been designed  especially for the citizens, NGOs and activists that want to gain a quick understanding on the concept of NAMAs and/or for those who would like to get involved in the process of NAMA development.

There are already a number of cases where civil society is thoroughly engaged in the NAMA development process, however, the information on consultation processes in NAMA development is very limited. Also, there is a lack of awareness and knowledge on NAMAs among civil society that could allow a more meaningful public participation in the process. Increased awareness is essential to empower civil society and activisits to get involved in relevant NAMA processes, such as NAMA development and implementation as well as monitoring at the national level.

This is why the aim of this guide is to make practical information available to facilitate stronger involvement and foster knowledge sharing of good practices by offering a quick understanding of how NAMAs work as well as by giving an overview of the NAMA process, finanance flows or relevant stakeholders.