Published by
Center for Clean Air Policy (CCAP)

Converting Intended Nationally Determined Contributions into action

The Center for Clean Air Policy (CCAP) has been working with developing countries on how they can receive support to “convert” their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) into implementable policies and measures, and finance-ready investment plans. The newly released paper, Converting INDCs into Action, explores how developing countries can advance these pledges to long-term transformative actions after COP21. Through policy dialogues, focused discussions with climate negotiators, and on-the ground technical assistance, CCAP has recognized a growing consensus that developing countries need support to translate their INDCs into long-term transformational actions. Taking this work forward is timely, given that the Green Climate Fund is now “open for business,” and is actively looking for a strong pipeline of projects to fund. Other public institutions and private investors are also looking for ways to scale up climate-friendly investments.

The paper takes a deep look at INDCs from key developing countries to assess their progress and explores ways to build on Paris’s momentum to advance the implementation of INDCs after COP 21—converting intention into action.

The analysis found that there is a wide range in what countries have included in their INDCs and therefor the type work necessary to convert the INDCs into implementable actions. For many developing countries, their INDC is the first time that they set economy-wide targets for emissions reductions and they may need support in the form of policy design, knowledge and technology transfer, or technical assistance. Other countries already have sophisticated, climate change strategies, may only require support for specific components.

The need for conversion is widely accepted to implement the INDC targets. Paris sets the stage for a “race to the top” to achieve the transformation of national economies to low-carbon development over time, and the time is now to get the process started. Financial support that could be directed to INDC conversion exists. With INDCs now on the table, there are strong signals from a variety of sources, including from the GCF, that these pledges will be met with support to turn these goals into concrete action.