Published by
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

E-learning course: Assessing uncertainties in the national greenhouse gas inventory: a focus on land use

This new course is part of FAO's series of National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (NGHG) e-learning courses and will become available in French in the coming months.

This course is intended for anyone involved in the preparation of greenhouse gas inventories, in particular:

• Staff members of relevant national agencies responsible for reporting to the UNFCCC

• GHG inventory compilers

• Data providers

• Researchers

In summary, the course presents :

• The concept of uncertainty and its importance in GHG inventories

• Statistical definitions associated with the analysis of uncertainties

• Statistical concepts and methodologies used to quantify uncertainty

• Approaches to combine uncertainties from different sectors to estimate the overall uncertainty for total national net emissions

A digital certificate is available at the end of the course upon successful completion of the final exam.

The course was developed with the support of the FAO CBIT-AFOLU project and the Climate Change Knowledge Hub and the technical contribution of various reviewers, to whom we are very grateful.

To access the course please click here.