Global Stocktake Explorer
The inaugural Global Stocktake conducted by the United Nations on Climate Change presents a crucial opportunity for the international community to assess the overall progress made in implementing the significant #ParisAgreement. This stocktake is designed to address three fundamental inquiries: our current status, the future direction, and the strategies needed to achieve our goals.
The magnitude of information involved poses a considerable challenge in finding answers, with no fewer than 170,000 pages of National Determined Contributions (NDCs), biennial reports, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports, adaptation communications, and submissions from both Parties and non-Party stakeholders. This stocktake is essentially an extensive collection of PDFs available in multiple languages.
To address this challenge, Climate Policy Radar has introduced the Global Stocktake Explorer, a tool that aims to demystify these documents and provide quick and easy access, comprehension, and searchability in preparation for #cop28uae and beyond.
a. Explore the complete text of over 1,600 documents comprising 170,000 pages of contributions.
b. Automatically translate documents from any language to English.
c. Narrow down search results to focus on crucial levers and impacts related to climate action.
Users can enter a free-text search and/or utilize pre-trained thematic filters, which identify key climate action topics through a combination of customized machine learning classifiers and lexical approaches.
You can find the Explorer following the link provided on the right margin.