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Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement / United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Good Practice: South Africa's comprehensive climate change response M&E system that integrates MRV

South Africa (SA) has developed a comprehensive national climate change response M&E system that integrated international MRV requirements. The aim of the M&E system is to track progress in SA’s transition to a lower-carbon and climate-resilient economy and society. The system collates information on mitigation, adaptation, climate change impacts, vulnerability and GHG emissions in an integrated way to provide insights in to the impacts of individual measures and on how successful they are collectively in delivering the transition to alower-carbon and climate-resilient economy and society. The system builds upon the National Climate Change Response Database, developed in 2009, as well as other existing databases and information systems that are relevant to climate change. The MRV system is being implemented in three stages and SA are currently in phase one.