NAMAs and INDCs. Interactions and opportunities
Countries representing more than 90 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions and population have submitted intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) in anticipation of the 21st COP in Paris. In parallel, developing countries are designing at least 152 nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) and 13 have secured implementation funding. Connecting these two concepts, more than a third of developing countries communicate a role for NAMAs in their INDCs. It is therefore vital to understand the potential role of NAMAs (here understood as specific actions) with respect to INDCs (which are often broader targets) and vice versa.
This paper explores the links between NAMAs and INDCs with regard to various elements central to their implementation, including: access to finance; stakeholder engagement; sustainable development impacts; measurement, reporting and verification (MRV); and institutional frameworks.
Key messages:
- For many countries, NAMAs will be an important tool in implementing a Paris agreement.
- INDCs and NAMAs can and should be linked to: help countries make progress towards meeting their post-2020 targets; access international support and catalyse private investment; engage stakeholders; assess and emphasise co-benefits; conduct MRV; and build an integrated cross-sectoral institutional framework to bridge the gap between ambition and action.
- The national and highly visible nature of INDCs has the potential to increase domestic buy-in for sectoral action plans and individual bottom-up measures, including NAMAs.
- We expect (and encourage) more emphasis on domestic NAMAs as countries seek recognition for their efforts to achieve their INDCs.
- Governments need to take a leading role in NAMA implementation to achieve the mitigation targets in their INDCs.