Published by
PATPA, FAO, Ricardo E&E
Post-Workshop Webinar: ETF Roadmaps
The post-workshop webinar on ETF Roadmaps took place on 28 May 2019 in collaboration with FAO and Ricardo E&E. Its objective was to provide a follow-up activity for the PATPA regional groups of the Anglophone & the Asian Cluster. It is the first webinar supported by FAO in the context of the global CBIT-AFOLU project and the webinar was therefore also addressed to respective the project countries.
During the session, the following topics were adressed:
- Welcome & Introduction (Kirstin Hücking, PATPA & Mirella Salvatore, FAO)
- Presentation on ETF Roadmap (James Harris, Ricardo Energy & Environment)
- Survey and Q&A
- Closing (Kirstin Hücking, PATPA)
You can access the recording of the webinar here and download the presentation on the right of this page.