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Transparency under the Paris Agreement. A pocket guide for young people and beginners

The impacts of climate change are being felt around the world, and there has been a growing momentum of awareness, advocacy, and action by young people across the world to address climate change, particularly in the agriculture and land use sectors.

Transparency processes have evolved to not only spotlight national efforts in response to climate change, but also to drive further international action and support, allowing countries to learn from each others and identify opportunities for continuous improvements and innovative solutions in their climate efforts.

FAO, with the support of the Children and Youth constituency to the UNFCCC (YOUNGO), put together this pocket guide, which aims to demystify the concept and technical language around transparency in the context of climate change for young people and beginners. It helps youth to learn about ways to contribute to the ambition cycle of the Paris Agreement with their knowledge, skills and collective power, and to identify opportunities for embarking on a rewarding career path that delivers innovative solutions for the climate crisis.