Workshop group picture

Asian Regional Workshop: Tracking Mitigation Actions in Asia

Event Date

The Department of Environmental Affairs of the Republic of Korea, together with the International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV, hosted the Asian Regional Workshop “Tracking Mitigation Actions in Asia”. It took place July 8-11 in Seoul, Republic of Korea, with participants from Bhutan, China, Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

The Asian Regional Workshop provided a unique opportunity for Asian countries to benefit from the knowledge base of the International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV by sharing experiences and expert inputs that equiped the participating countries with relevant information and approaches for MRV of mitigation actions in Asia. It aimed at forming a basis for further consultation among the Asian countries over the next months and years. It helped countries to identify remaining gaps in their mitigation policies and thereby also facilitated the collaboration of the Asian countries in the international negotiations. At the same time, national interests in sustainable development and international collaboration on transforming economies were fostered.

Selected presentations are available below and the workshop can be accessed in the download section on the right.

Presentations - Day 1

Presentations - Day 2