MRV Workshop

MRV Workshop [June, 18 - 20 | Entebbe, Uganda]

Event Date

The GIZ MRV Training was held in Entebbe, Uganda from 18-20 June 2014 as a joint initiative of the International Partnership on Mitigation and the UNDP Low Emission Capacity Building (LECB) Programme. The Workshop took place at the Imperial Golf View Hotel Entebbe.  

Background and Scope of MRV Training

Many countries are currently struggling with the challenge of developing and implementing an appropriate national system that meets their specific needs for measurement, reporting and verification (MRV). While some institutional mechanisms for measurement and evaluation may often exist in countries (in the form of policy tracking, national GHG inventories and air quality measurement systems) these systems are not sufficient for responding to newly emerging MRV responsibilities. As such, countries are faced with whether to adapt and expand existing institutional systems and mandates to also reflect MRV needs or to create a new set of arrangements exclusively for MRV of NAMAs.

Developing a robust institutional framework that encompasses the relevant institutional entities as well as the necessary staff, systems and processes is essential for an effective MRV system. However, the approaches that countries have taken vary widely, ranging from top-down integrated MRV systems that cover multiple reporting needs to bottom up systems that focus on a specific policy, action, or regions. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) has developed a MRV Training to address the specific capacity building needs for a measurement, reporting and verification upon which the workshop was held.

UNDP LECB supports Uganda in its aim to build a comprehensive MRV system in order to track GHG emission reductions and co-benefits related to NAMAs. By bringing together different stakeholders from various national institutions involved in the national MRV processes, the training provided guidance on the background and requirements of how to implement a robust MRV System.

Main Findings of the MRV Workshop in Uganda

Building on the expertise of the participants in their respective topics, coupled with guidance on implementation mechanisms and requirements towards a robust national MRV system through the training, the following main findings were developed:

  1. MRV Action Plans within four mitigation sectors;
  2. The mapping of information requests and data flows between institutions present at the workshop;
  3. A next step assessment focused on institutional and capacity, information and financial barriers for the sectors.

Methodology and Agenda used in the Workshop

The Methodology used in the workshop stems from the GIZ MRV Training. The tools used for this purpose were the GIZ MRV Tool, as well as the GIZ Stock Taking Tool (see links). National and international experts held presentations throughout the workshop, followed by group exercises and plenary discussions.