National Contributions: Challenges for the Implementation and Monitoring of INDCs'
The 2nd Regional Workshop for Latin America and the Caribbean took place on July 14-16 2015 in Cartagena, Colombia. Around 60 participants from all over the region came together to discuss and exchange experiences on the topic of formulating, implementing and monitoring Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs).
The event was convened by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Colombia (Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible de Colombia) and the global partnerships “Partnership for Market Readiness” (PMR) and “International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV”, and was organized in collaboration with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for Development (Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo - AECID) and the World Bank Group.
The overall objective of this regional workshop was that national teams of political decision - makers and technical experts from ten member countries of the two Partnerships in the Latin America and Caribbean region share experiences and challenges in the development of their INDCs.The workshop provided a platform for peer-to-peer discussions on issues related to technical and institutional challenges and lessons learnt during the preparation of the countries' INDCs. Further, it aimed at presenting and exchanging approaches and priorities on the question how to implement an INDC. At the same time, the options for the establishment and management of monitoring systems for an INDC were discussed.
Specific objectives of the regional workshop were:
- Exchange of approaches and experiences regarding the process of formulating their national contributions (INDC) for a new multilateral climate change agreement post-2020;
- Discussion of challenges and needs identified by countries in relation to the implementation of their national contributions, particularly with regards to the technical analysis of measurements and political instruments which facilitate and support national mitigation objectives;
- Identification of options in the framework of national inventories and other greenhouse gas (GHG) information systems, in order to build upon existing national monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) systems for the establishment of a monitoring mechanism for INDCs;
- Exchange of approaches and challenges for the implementation of a national GHG accounting system which informs and facilitates the tracking of INDCs.
In total, 60 persons participated in the workshop, thereof 42 from partner countries and 18 from international and regional organisations, e.g. World Resources Institute (WRI), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Development Bank of Latin America (CAF) and World Bank.
The agenda and workshop report can be found in the download section and all the presentations can be accessed below.
Presentations - Day 1
- INDCs: Why is it way forward and how to make it successful (Goncalo Cavalheiro - CAOS, English)
- Aspectos técnicos y políticos para la formulación de una contribución. (Claudio Forner - UNFCCC, Spanish)
- Procesos técnicos y políticos de formulación de una INDC (Daniela Boos - GIZ, Spanish)
- Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (Mónica Echegoyen - SEMARNAT, Spanish)
- Cambio climático y proceso de elaboración del INDC en Chile (Jenny Mager - Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, Chile, Spanish)
- Contexto Internacional y Consideraciones para el Monitoreo de las INDCs (Michael Comstock - UNDP, Spanish)
- Objetivos, enfoques y consideraciones para el monitoreo de INDCs (Alexa Kleysteuber - AILAC, Spanish)
- Objetivos, enfoques y consideraciones para el monitoreo de INDCs desde la perspectiva nacional (Moisés Álvarez - Consejo Nacional para el Cambio Climático, República Dominicana, Spanish)
- Proceso de Elaboración de las INDCs (Macarena Moreira - Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable, Argentina, Spanish)
Presentations - Day 2
- Decarbonizing development - Three steps to a zero-carbon future (Adrien Vogt-Schilb, Banco Mundial, English)
- INDCs: Hitos a lo largo de senderos de desarrollo sostenible bajo en carbono a largo plazo (Regina Ortega - Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, Perú, Spanish)
- Contribuciones nacionales en mitigación de Costa Rica (William Alpízar - Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía, Costa Rica, Spanish)
- Formulación de la INDC de Colombia (Katherine Ovalle - Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible, Colombia, Spanish)
- Cambio Climátoco y sector energía - Retos para la implementación & el monitoreo de INDCs (Patricio Bofill - Ministerio de Energía , Chile, Spanish)
Presentations - Day 3
- Contabilidad de INDCs: nuevos retos y viejos desafíos en el contexto internacional y nacional (Anke Herold - Öko-Institut, Spanish)
- Sistema de MRV para Colombia (Sebastián Carranza - Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible, Colombia, Spanish)
- Fundamentos del registro nacional de emisiones (Saúl Pereyra García - SEMARNAT, México, Spanish)
- Contabilidad de GEI en Uruguay (Walter Oyhantcabal - Ministerio de Vivienda, Uruguay, Spanish)