Group picture NDC LAC Regional Dialogues

Regional Dialogue on NDCs for Latin America

Event Date

The Ecuadorian government hosted from 30th of August to 1st of September 2017 the Regional Dialogue on Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for Latin America in Quito, Ecuador with approximately 140 participants. The regional dialogue actively expanded the scope of participation to a variety of stakeholders, including government representatives from ministries of finance, of energy and of environment from Latin American and Caribbean states, bilateral and multilateral financial institutions as well as representatives from the private sector. The aim of the regional dialogue was to support countries in the process of preparing for NDC implementation with a focus on financing and the energy sector, one of the main emitting sectors and at the same time a sector with promising new opportunities for NDC implementation. The dialogue offered space to discuss renewable energy technologies, distributed generation and ways to improve their integration into the grid (smart grids and demand side management). The event was co-organized by UNDP, the UNFCCC Secretariat, GIZ, CCAP, the Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement (PATPA), and in coordination with the NDC Partnership. PATPA contributed with a session on how to track progress of NDC implementation in the energy sector.

Please find the links for the final report, the agenda and all presentations on the right.

Below you can find the presentations of sessions related to the topic of transparency.


Session: How to track progress of NDC implementation in the energy sector (organised by PATPA):


Session: Methodologies for tracking climate change related spending in the public sector. Contributions for consolidating the national process of NDC implementation (organised by UNDP):


Session:  World Café: NDC y Desarrollo Sostenible