Annual Partnership Retreat 2018
Title: "Enhanced transparency - Learning from implementation, facilitating negotiations"
The Retreat povides a platform for political dialogue for national policy-makers and practitioners as well as climate negotiators focusing on transparency. Participants will be selected by their countries’ UNFCCC focal points.
The agenda of this year's Retreat will be set around crunch negotiation issues, which we will often approach through the lens of current national implementation experiences. By learning from countries’ experience with specific issues, negotiators are expected to understand what kind of clarification and guidance would be beneficial and how the future modalities, procedures and guidelines (MPGs) can support an effective implementation. Also, the exchange will help to improve understanding of each others’ negotiation positions and priorities in order to facilitate agreement during COP24 in Katowice in December 2018. Additionally, national implementers will learn more about the enhanced transparency framework (ETF) so that they can reflect how to develop domestic transparency systems further accordingly.
Topics: Status of UNFCCC negotiations; link between ambition, transparency and capacity building; transparency of adaptation; transparency of support; GHG inventories; tracking progress; technical expert review; capacity building for climate transparency.