24th Meeting of the Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement (PATPA)
The 24th Partnership Meeting was held on 19 June 2019 during the 50th session of the Subsidiary Bodies in Bonn. About 50 negotiators (and practitioners) from developing and developed countries as well as partner organisations exchanged their experiences and perspectives on the future of PATPA in the light of the Katowice Rule-Book.
Participants were having an update on the latest, as well as on upcoming activities with a special focus on the Annual Partnership Retreat (APR) taking place in Lebanon in October 2019. Furthermore, it was discussed in small groups on what makes PATPA distinguishable from other initiatives, as well as on how to make peer learning and political dialogue on enhanced transparency more continuous and sustainable.
The working groups carved out that a strength of PATPA is to bring together negotiators and practitioners in a more informal setting, which builds trust and allows sharing frustrations. Via the regional groups an experienced, exchanging and party-driven network was built that supports the identification of challenges & opportunities and facilitates peer-to-peer as well as expert learning. The distribution by language groups is outstanding and well received in the regions. Participants suggested including more exercises instead of presentations and pointed out that a broader participation is needed.
The working groups also came up with enriching ideas on how to enhance the continuity of PATPA. They suggested focusing on specific capacity building on the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) and systems for reporting. In addition, training on inventories, the review process as well as adaptation support (measure resilience, robust matrix) is needed. They also wished for meetings to unpack the rulebook and to enhance exchange on article 6. Further ideas include appointing one PATPA focal point per country, building sub-regional groups, including more people from each country, mixing high level and technical people and broadening the target group for stakeholders and the public. Webinars as well as integrated virtual meetings might be a way to keep the regional groups active between workshops.
These results encourage the effectiveness of the Partnership on Transparency and show a road on how to enhance its activities in the light of the Katowice Rule-Book, which might be further discussed at the APR in October and at the next Partnership Meeting possibly hold during the COP 25 in Santiago de Chile.