8th Annual Partnership Retreat 2019
Click here to find more information and the documentation of the APR 2019 here
The Annual Partnership Retreat (APR) provides a platform for policy dialogue for domestic policy-makers and practitioners as well as climate negotiators focusing on transparency and reporting from developing and developed countries.
The main goal of the APR 2019 is to facilitate an exchange of relevant transparency experiences and perspectives that stimulates both, the negotiations at COP25 as well as domestic implementation of the ETF with the overall aim to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Potential topics:
- Understanding and preparing for the implementation of the transparency aspects of the ‘Katowice Climate Package’
- Transitioning from the current measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) framework to the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF)
- Consider developments in the UNFCCC process
The Annual Partnership Retreat is organised by the Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement (PATPA) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), and will be hosted by the Ministry of Environment of the Lebanese Republic this year. Around 60 participants are expected to attend this event, and participants will be selected by their countries’ UNFCCC focal points. For any further information, please contact: apr2019@greenstorming.de.
This event is organized with additional financial support of: