Virtual Anglophone Africa Workshop on "Enabling transparency in the AFOLU sector: Enhancing Data Collection and Institutional Arrangements" (Part 1) [February, 2 | online]
The experience of an in-person workshop cannot be replicated virtually, neither regarding workshop content and format nor regarding the networking experience. However, in lieu of an in-person meeting in 2020 and with no clear timeline on the horizon, the virtual event shall offer a platform for continued exchange and peer learning in the Regional Group. Additionally, the trimmed down agenda of the virtual event shall lay the groundwork for an eventual physical workshop, where participants will then benefit from an already more advanced knowledge base.
With the workshop we aim to:
- Update on the status of negotiations on transparency;
- Address the issue of Institutional Arrangements and Data Collection in the AFOLU sector;
- Discuss in Breakout Groups on MRV in the AFOLU (agriculture, forestry and other land use) sector.
- Learning on transparency-related topics to advance implementation and raise NDC ambition;
- Creating opportunity for peer-to-peer Learning, knowledge sharing, and in-depth trainings on data collection and institutional arrangements in AFOLU;
- Share experiences, challenges, and potential solutions in implementing the ETF;
- Facilitate regional networking and collaborative climate action.
Organized jointly by the Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement (PATPA) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Supported by the Department of Environmental Affairs of the Republic of South Africa, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Swedish EPA), and the Global Support Programme (GSP) jointly implemented by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).