
Cluster Francophone Regional Workshop: discussions on financing strategies and policies for mitigation actions in NDCs (6-8 December in Casablanca, Morocco)

Event Date

Designed as a follow-up of the regional workshop in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) in April 2016, the “Cluster Francophone” of the International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV invited its members for a successive event in Casablanca (Morocco) on 6-8 December 2016. The Cluster is a platform for francophone countries mostly from Africa and is supported by the Partnership in collaboration with the Belgian, French and Swiss Environment Ministries. The regional workshop in Casablanca was organized jointly with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Moroccan Climate Change Competency Centre (4C Maroc). 

The primary objective of the workshop was to discuss and exchange experiences on financing strategies and policies for mitigation actions that are crucial for the implementation of NDCs. The event was hosted at the Idou Anfa hotel in Casablanca and brought together a total of 74 participants, including 57 participants representing 18 francophone developing countries and 17 experts and representatives of of the Cluster and international organisations.

During the workshop participants and experts shared ideas, experiences and case studies on how to best combine public and private, national and international finance for NAMAs in the energy and AFOLU sectors in order to achieve transformational change for low-carbon development. The combination of plenary sessions and sectoral group work facilitated peer-to-peer exchange and capacity building among participants and established bilateral relations of countries working on similar issues.

More information including the workshop report can be found on the Atelier du Cluster Francophone (Décembre 2016. Casablanca, Maroc) site (please find link on the right). Please note that the materials provided are in french only.


© Patricia Grobben