Aligning Mongolia's NDC and SDGs through its national green development policy
Through Mongolia’s efforts in developing policies and interventions towards green growth, particularly the National Green Development Policy (NGDP), the Sustainable Development Vision 2030 (Vision 2030), and the Sustainable Development Outlook of Mongolia (SOM), it has effectively tapped into the synergies between efforts in overcoming developmental challenges and climate change issues. The NGDP
acts as the all-encompassing policy that mainstreams the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into its national policy. The SDGs have been integrated via the Vision 2030 indicators and the SOM framework, while the Mongolian (I)NDC was developed from the NGDP itself. This has consequently resulted in the mainstreaming of SDGs into NDC design.
The impact of the policy is presently being tracked using the existing 14 indicators which are expected to achieve specific targets in the year 2020 and 2030 (see Table 1). The SDG baseline established under the SOM and the new outcome indicators finalised by GGGI provide a solid foundation for measuring the progress of NGDP and integrating the SDGs into the national level policy. Therefore, the impact of the policy varies largely on its commitment to rigorously follow up on the recommendations
in the SOM. It will also depend on the implementation of a robust monitoring and reporting system, which will capture the intricate linkages of activities with developmental benefits more robustly and contribute to a higher quantum of impact.
The Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) holds the responsibility to control and oversee the joint implementation of NGDP and inter-sectoral coordination of action plans at all levels.