Analytical Capacity for Long-Term Strategies
This case study examines five countries (Brazil, China, Germany, India, and the United States) and assesses the diverse approaches these countries have taken that inform the ongoing evolution of good practice in developing long-term strategies (LTS), particularly in issues relevant across country contexts. While the approaches in these countries are constructed to meet their national circumstances, the concepts that emerge from this review provide insight more broadly into the types of issues that countries should consider in developing a robust and durable analytical capacity for LTS development
This case study is organized to highlight the actors associated with national capacity, the various ways that these actors have been organized and participated in LTS development, and the key issues associated with durable and effective national capacity. Specifically, section 1 discusses a common set of actors involved in integration of analysis into LTS across countries. Section 2 focuses on the observations and experts’ experience across five countries. Section 3 discusses common themes that emerge across the countries highlighted in this case study.
Key lessons that emerge from this case, include:
- Durable analytical capacity is housed in durable institutions
- Long-term stable funding supports durable analytical capacity
- National systems of analysis integrate across all actors, from those producing analysis to those incorporating analysis into decision-making
- Engagement with international analytical communities can broaden expertise
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- World Resources Institute (WRI)