The Partnership is cooperating with different other platforms that pool and disseminate knowledge about climate policies and actions. Some of the most important include:
Adaptation Community: was developed for the interested public and adaptation experts to provide information on applying approaches, methods and tools that facilitate the planning and implementation of adaptation action. This platform offers trainings and webinars to exchange experience from practice as well as to share lessons learnt.
Climate Change Knowledge Portal (CCKP): The CCKP provides a web-based platform to assist in capacity building and knowledge development. The aim of the portal is to help provide development practitioners with a resource to explore, evaluate, synthesize, and learn about climate related vulnerabilities and risks at multiple levels of details.
Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN): This alliance of various organisations supports decision-makers in designing and delivering climate compatible development. Its website provides comprehensive information on different topics related to climate policies and actions.
Climate-Smart Planning Platform (CSPP): The mission of the CSPP is to help developing-country practitioners strengthen their climate-smart planning so that it leads to better policy and investment implementation. The CSPP does this by making it easier for practitioners to locate and access the tools, data, and knowledge that they need for climate-smart planning.
Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN): The Centre hosts more than 16,000 knowledge products on climate mitigation and adaptation technologies in the form of publications, case studies, tools and national plans. The platform also offers webinars and content can be sorted via various entry points such as country, region or climate technology sector. Furthermore, cross-sectoral hubs with a focus on for example gender support the sharing of lessons learnt and the implementation of countries climate plans in support of the Paris Agreement.
Green Growth Best Practice: The GGBP initiative is a global network of researchers and practitioners working to advance understanding in the emerging field of green growth, by undertaking an analysis of early experiences. The initial best practice assessment focuses on nine interlinked elements that are commonly used by governments in green growth analysis, planning, implementation, and monitoring.
Green Growth Knowledge Platform: This knowledge platform is a global network of international organisations and experts that addresses major knowledge gaps in green growth theory and practice. By encouraging widespread collaboration, the GGKP offers practitioners and policymakers the policy guidance, good practices, tools, and data necessary to support the transition to a green economy.
LEDS Global Partnership (LEDS GP): The LEDS GP harnesses the collective knowledge and resources of more than 160 countries, as well as international donor and technical organisations, to strengthen climate-resilient, low-emission development efforts around the world. It delivers support through vibrant regional platforms for Africa, Asia and Latin America and Caribbean.
Long-Term Climate Strategies: The site offers useful resources for countries to design “mid-century long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies” by 2020, as called for in the Paris Agreement. These strategies are central to limiting the worst impacts of global warming and represent a critical opportunity for countries to lay out their vision for achieving net zero emissions while also pursuing sustainable development pathways.
MRV Platform for Agriculture: The platform is an online platform of tools, approaches, and case studies for MRV of GHG emissions and mitigation actions in the agriculture sector.
NAP Global Network: The NAP Global Network aims to enhance national adaptation planning and action in developing countries through coordination of bilateral support and in-country actors. The Network also facilitates international peer learning and exchange.
NDC Support Cluster: The Toolbox of the NDC Support Cluster provides easy access to a selection of tools in the four Cluster support areas offered by the Cluster implementing partners.
NDC Partnership: The NDC Partnership launched an online knowledge portal that enables countries to access information to support their national climate plans and sustainable development objectives. It includes three navigators: Funding and Initiatives Navigator, NDC Toolbox Navigator, and the NDC Data Explorer (under development).
UNDP Low Emission Capacity Building Programme (LECB): The UNDP LECB Programme supports countries in implementing national projects and policies around the topics of NAMAs, LEDS and MRV. By providing appropriate tools, trainings, technical support and disseminating knowledge and lessons learned, the collaborative, country driven programme aims to strengthen technical and institutional capacities. The resulting case studies and lessons learned are shared on the programme’s website and offer insights in the project work.
Providers of e-learnings for climate change mitigation
There are several organisations which offer online-based trainings related to climate policies and actions:
Greenhouse Gas Protocol: The Greenhouse Gas Protocol offers multiple online learning solutions to get busy professionals up-to-speed on the world's most widely used greenhouse gas accounting standards.
GHG Management Institute: The Institute offers online courses, which can be combined with face-to-face workshops for larger groups with specific needs. E-Learning allows learners a higher quality training experience, access to the world’s top experts as instructors, and the flexibility to undergo training on your own time, without the cost, trouble, and greenhouse gas emissions associated with traveling to workshops.
Learning tool on NAMAs in the agriculture, forestry and other land use sector by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): This online “Learning tool on Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) in the agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sector” supports the efforts of developing countries in the identification, development and implementation of country specific mitigation actions in the context of national sustainable development.
NAMAcedemy: The NAMAcedemy offers an introductory e-learning course to NAMAs. It provides basic concepts, approaches and methodologies for planning, formulating and implementing NAMAs to relevant NAMA practitioners.
NAMA e-learning offered by GIZ: GIZ is offering a free online course ‘Development of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs)’ via its Global Campus 21. Additionally, the course can be booked as a tutored online course.
Open Learning Campus (OLC) by the World Bank: The OLC provides offers learning opportunities on a wide range of topics, including issues related to climate change. Several courses and other resources focus on climate finance, other topics include emission trading systems, and Clean Development Mechanism.
REDD+ Academy by the UN-REDD Programme: The REDD+ Academy is a REDD+ capacity development initiative which seeks to match the scale of the global climate change mitigation challenge and enable systematic, focused capacity development to deliver REDD+ on the ground. The Academy’s e-course is free and open to all.
UN CC:Learn: This platform provides quality e-learning resources on climate change. Each course builds on the expertise of relevant UN partners. All courses are freely available as a public good. There are courses available on: REDD+, Introduction to Climate Change (in English, French and Spanish), Climate Policy and Public Finance, and Climate Response Budgeting. Additional courses will be added over time.
United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR): UNITAR provides training and capacity development activities to assist developing countries. The Institute covers topics in the broad areas of supporting capacity for the 2030 Agenda, strengthening multilateralism, advancing environmental sustainability and green development, improving resilience and humanitarian assistance, promoting sustainable peace, and promoting economic development and social inclusion.