It’s BTR time: Join our webinar series on the importance of BTRs in 2024
2024 will be a key year for the Paris Agreement, as another piece of the system will enter into full force: the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF). The ETF is a central component to the design, credibility, and operation of the Paris Agreement. It is marked by the submission deadline for the first Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs) on the 31st ,of December 2024. BTRs are key mechanisms for NDC tracking and the Global Stocktake (GST). In this context, PATPA has published several knowledge products on transparency with the aim of preparing all countries for the requirements of the BTR. We are pleased to announce the beginning of the webinar series “It’s BTR time: The importance of BTRs in 2024”. The series consists of three virtual events, where technical input will be given, spaces for experience-sharing will be provided, and PATPA’s knowledge products will be presented.
- Why transparency? Transparency under the Paris Agreement and its interlinkages with Global Stocktake and NDCs
This first event functions as an introduction to the webinar series, providing insights into the importance of transparency under the Paris Agreement. It will highlight the strong synergies between the Global Stocktake and the implementation of the Enhanced Transparency Framework, which are a key input for the NDC update cycle.
14th March 2024, 1-2pm CET: Please find the presentations of the event on your right and the recording on our YouTube channel.
The following two online events will be more technical:
- How to transparency: GHG inventories and NDC indicators
The focus of the second webinar is the requirements for GHG inventories in general, before delving deeper into the waste sector. In the second part of the webinar, the importance of NDC progress indicators will be highlighted, and the concept of creating SMART indicators will be introduced.
19th of March, 1–2.30pm CET: Please find the presentations of the event on your right and the recording on our YouTube channel.
- How to transparency: Let’s get the BTR journey started
The third webinar presents the “BTR Roadmap Guidance & Tool” developed by PATPA in collaboration with FAO. In the first part of the session, a brief overview of the tool will be provided. During the second part of the session representatives from countries that have applied the BTR Roadmap Guidance & Tool will share their experiences with us.
20th of March 1-2.30pm CET: Please find the presentations of the event on your right and the recording on our YouTube channel.
We look forward to seeing you virtually!