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Global BTR Dialogue

Event Date
Brussels, Belgium

The Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement (PATPA) hosted a Global Dialogue between 29th of April – 3rd of May 2024 on BTR preparation, in Brussels, Belgium at the venue of the European Commission Directorate-General for Climate Action (DG CLIMA). PATPA is an initiative launched by the Governments of Germany, South Africa and the Republic of Korea in 2010 and funded by Germany’s International Climate Iniative (IKI). 

The aim of this event was to provide developed and developing country Parties with a space to discuss the progress in developing their first BTR and exchange on common technical challenges. It has served to create momentum and support Parties in the last mile of their BTR preparation.

This Dialogue convened 34 developed and developing country representatives to discuss the progress in developing their first Biennial Transparency Reports (BTR). Countries exchanged on all chapters of this new report. As a result, countries have learned from each other and defined priority actions on how to overcome their technical challenges and ensure a timely submission of the BTR.

The Global BTR Dialogue was supported by the European Commission Directorate-General for Climate Action (DG CLIMA), the Kingdom of Belgium through the UNDP Climate Promise programme, and Switzerland through citepa.


The agenda, the presentations as well as the participant journal (in Word Format) of each day are available for download on the right. You are invited to make further of use the participant journal.


For any additional information, please contact us at: @email


Further reading: 


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