The Good Practice Database presents various examples of good practices worldwide which demonstrate how climate policies and actions are being effectively designed and implemented across a range of national contexts. This analysis is a joint initiative of the Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement, the UNDP Low Emission Capacity Building Programme and the NDC Support Cluster.
Action for Rural Women's Empowerment: Women-led Energy Cooperatives as a Pathway to a Just Energy Transition in Uganda
ARUWE works with communities to provide access to a decentralized and cooperative renewable energy system that places energy production and distribution close to the consumers, enabling households, small businesses and health centres to …
Advancing Low-Emission Mobility Solutions in Cambodia
Cambodia’s road transport system mainly relies on fossil fuel vehicles. Increasing transport needs coupled with the country’s economic growth has been the main driver of rising GHG emissions from the transport sector and worsening air …
Pioneering Triangular Cooperation on Renewable Energy Technology Transfer in Ghana and Zambia, with China and the United Nations Development Programme
The China–Ghana/Zambia–UNDP triangular cooperation project resulted in the transfer of renewable energy technologies and in national policies and private sector partnerships that continue to facilitate the scaling up of renewable energy …
Developing Technological Tools for Adapting to Climate Change in the Coastal Zones of Uruguay
Climate modelling and vulnerability assessment technology was developed to determine the threat of climate variability and climate change to Uruguay’s coastal zones and their exposure and sensitivity to it by analyzing and evaluating …
Increasing Energy Efficiency in Soloman Islands
Energy-efficient water pumping technology solutions, including retrofitting existing technology, making operational improvements and implementing new energy-efficient motors and pumps all reduced GHG emissions from the energy sector while …
Strengthening Climate-Resilient Agriculture in the Dominican Republic
SRI is an agroecological and climate-smart production strategy based on four key principles: early and healthy plant establishment; minimizing competition between plants; building fertile soils rich in organic matter; and the careful …
Utilizing Ocean Energy in Nauru
OTEC is a technology that produces both energy and desalinated water. Energy is produced by harnessing the temperature differences between surface ocean waters and deep ocean waters. The condensed water resulting from the process is an …
Adapting to Floods and Droughts in India through the Water Storage Technology Bhungroo
Bhungroo is a storm water management technology that utilizes detailed geophysical and geological analysis and data simulation for filtering, injecting and storing excess storm water in pipes within subsoil layers. The technology works on …
Making Buildings More Energy-Efficient in South Africa
South Africa
The passive thermal control technology project uses a combination of heat- and light reflective roof coating and traditional thermal insulation that significantly increases the energy efficiency of buildings. The thermal insulation largely …
Climate-Smart Agriculture in Guangdong, China
While China has achieved tremendous success over recent decades in increasing agricultural production and feeding its population, this success has come at the cost of significant environmental degradation. Agriculture in China is a major …