The Good Practice Database presents various examples of good practices worldwide which demonstrate how climate policies and actions are being effectively designed and implemented across a range of national contexts. This analysis is a joint initiative of the Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement, the UNDP Low Emission Capacity Building Programme and the NDC Support Cluster.

India Negative Pricing to Manage Power System Oversupply

India, South Asia
India uses negative energy pricing, or the practice of allowing power prices in an electricity market to fall below zero, to discourage generation during periods of oversupply on the electric grid. This strategy can minimize the curtailment …

India Sustainable Urban Transport and Road Safety

India, South Asia
The rapid urbanization of Ahmedabad, India, has caused a significant increase in the city’s motorized travel, urban sprawl, and traffic accident fatalities. In 2005, Ahmedabad was named India’s third most polluted city. However, the Janmarg …

Kenya Pro-Poor Adaptation to Climate Change in Urban Centers

Kenya, Sub-Saharan Africa
Poor urban residents of Mombasa, Kenya, are particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts owing to inadequate physical infrastructure (such as sewers and drainage), land and housing vulnerability due to insecure tenure rights …

South Africa Power System Transformation

South Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa
Through its INDC, South Africa aims to have its GHG emissions “peak, plateau, and decline” by 2030. To help accomplish that goal, South Africa has worked with the 21 stCentury Power Partnership since 2012 to make its power system more …

Rwanda Dairy Competitiveness and Efficiency

Rwanda, Sub-Saharan Africa
Rwanda is the most densely populated country in Africa. Its agricultural sector employs about 70% of the country’s workforce and constitutes around 35% of the gross domestic product. Small-scale, subsistence-oriented family farming …

India’s Heat Action Plan

India, South Asia
As part of India’s INDC, the country has prioritized supporting adaptation by addressing health impacts associated with extreme heat events. As one example, the city of Ahmedabad in the state of Gujarat partnered with the Indian Institute …

Philippines grid integration study to inform power sector planning

Philippines, East Asia and Pacific
To support ongoing evaluation of future power system development scenarios, the Department of Energy of the Philippines (PDOE) together with USAID undertook a Solar and Wind Integration Study for the Luzon-Visayas System of the Philippines …

Tanzania’s integrated resources and resilience planning program

Tanzania, United Republic of, Sub-Saharan Africa
Currently the electrification rate is Tanzania is 30% (can be as low is 11% in rural areas) and the government has a goal of 75% electrification by 2035. This is an estimated addition of 60 million new electricity users. Some of the major …

Harnessing Climate-Resilient Geothermal Energy in Kenya

Kenya, Sub-Saharan Africa
Kenya has a current installed electricity capacity of 2,351 MW. This is expected to grow drastically to 19,200 MW by 2030. To meet this demand the Kenyan government has developed a national energy plan and a National Climate Change Action …