Strategising for the Long Term: Mexico's Mid-Century Strategy (MCS)



The Paris Agreement invites countries to formulate and communicate long-term strategies. Based on
this, Mexico joined efforts with the USA and Canada in a North American leaders’ partnership to, amongst
others actions, develop strategies for mid-century, long-term low greenhouse gas emission development
strategies. Mexico, as a leader of the Latin American region, has been at the forefront in pushing
for a domestic climate agenda for several years. In 2012, a General Law on Climate Change was approved,
setting a legal framework that provided a long-term vision, institutionalisation and tools for
climate action. The following year, the third Climate Change Strategy, which incorporates a vision over
the span of 10, 20 and 40 years, was developed. The information, models and analysis used to prepare
both the strategy and the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of Mexico resulted in a comprehensive
body of information and readily available capacities to develop a sound Mid-Century Strategy
(MCS) to be presented at COP22 in 2016. The MCS entails several lines of action for adaptation as well as
mitigation to steer the national efforts in these areas.

The MCS is well integrated and aligned with Mexico´s other policy frameworks and strategies related to
climate change and sustainable development. Furthermore, the MCS responds to the goals of international
frameworks such as the Paris Agreement. Lastly, the strategy provides a sound vision for a transformational
development pathway for Mexico.