Anglophone Africa Regional Workshop on "How to strengthen MRV capacities and prepare for the Enhanced Transparency Framework" [November 6-8 | Harare, Zimbabwe]
From the 6th to the 8th of November of 2018, about 27 participants from 14 Anglophone African countries and 10 speakers and organizers met in Harare, Zimbabwe, to discuss ways to strengthen MRV capacities and prepare for the EnhancedTransparency Framework of the Paris Agreement. The workshop was aimed at policy-makers and practitioners from English speaking African countries involved in developing and implementing transparency systems with a focus on AFOLU, energy and transport sectors.
The workshop was jointly organised by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Global Support Programme jointly implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). The Government of Sweden represented by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency led on a few parallel sessions during the workshop. The workshop was hosted by the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement of Zimbabwe.
The workshop aimed to share experiences and challenges related to implementing the Paris Agreement as well as to jointly discuss potential solutions, specifically focusing on transparency aspects. In addition, it seeked to promote technical capacity-building in different fields of climate policy and action, as well as to facilitate regional networking. Three sectors were examined: AFOLU (agriculture, forestry and land use), energy, and transport, and an overview of the EFT and what it means for national MRV systems was generated.
Day 1 - Tuesday 6th November 2018
Introduction to the Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement and to the Regional Group - GIZ
Status of international negotiations related to the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) - UNFCCC
Input and market place: Support options and tools for transparency
- Introduction to ICAT - ICAT
- Good Practice Database / Helpdesk / Information Matters - GIZ
- NDC Partnership - GIZ
- Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency: Progress and Prospects (CBIT) - GEF
Overview of approaches to transparency of mitigation - Ricardo
Day 2 - Wednesday 7th November 2018
Parallel sessions for three sectors
- Group 1: Energy
- Guidelines and Methods - Sweden
- Group 2: Transport
- Casual chain for policies - Sweden
- Transparency and Transport - Sweden
- Methodology for GHG estimation - Sweden
- Group 3: AFOLU
Aligning different mitigation and adaptation monitoring processes a way forward to inform the Enhanced Transparency Framework: the case of Kenya - FAO
Day 3 - Thursday 8th November 2018
Introduction to clinics (method and cases)
This workshop has been covered in the regional media, an article about it can be found here: