Group work during regional workshop Bangkok 2018

Strengthening MRV capacities and preparing for the Enhanced Transparency Framework in Asia-Pacific

Event Date

From 28th to 30th March 2018, 34 practitioners from 17 developing and developed countries from the Asian-Pacific region as well as experts from various international organisations gathered in Bangkok, Thailand for a regional exchange on country experiences on the topic 'Strengthening MRV capacities and preparing for the Enhanced Transparency Framework’. Discussions on barriers and good practices for developing and implementing transparency systems within the waste, transport and land use sector aimed to support improving existing systems for measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) and to contribute to preparing for the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF).

The inputs, discussions and group work sessions centred on the following topics:

  • Key aspects of the ETF and main issues in the UNFCCC negotiations around the modalities, procedures and guidelines (MPGs); implications for national implementation
  • MRV in the waste, transport and land-use sector
  • Peer advice sessions
  • M&E of adaptation and sustainable development benefits

The workshop was co-hosted by the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP) of Thailand and organised by the GIZ  'Support Project for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement' (SPA). It was attended by experts from the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, International Institute of Environment and Development (IIED),  the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) and Ricardo E&E.

The agenda of the workshop can be found on the right side. All presentations and some pictures can be downloaded below.

Day 1 and Day 2:

Hanna Reuter (GIZ), Jaein Kim (Republic of Korea): Introduction to the Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement and to the Regional Group

Bhava Dhungana (Programme Officer UNFCCC Secretariat): Status of the international negotiations related to the enhanced transparency framework

Market place on sources for support and useful tools:

Group work, group 1: Waste Sector

Oscar Zarzo (GIZ): Training on data collection and management to improve GHG inventory compilation in the waste sector

Oscar Zarzo (GIZ): Excercise 1: Key category analysis and double counting

Oscar Zarzo (GIZ): Exercise 3: Waste Data Management

Md.  Mokhtar Hossein, Md. Hasan Hasibur Rahman (Bangladesh): Bangladesh’s GHG Inventory for the Waste Sector

Group work, group 2:  Transport Sector

James Harries (Ricardo E&E): Transparency and the Paris Agreement: MRV of Transport

James Harries (Ricardo E&E): Transpareny System for Transport: methodologies and approaches

Sangjune Park (Republic of Korea): Transport MRV - Republic of Korea

Group work, group 3: AFOLU Sector

Mirella Salvatore (FAO): AFOLU MRV and FAO support to address the ETF

Max Collett (Australia):  Australia’s GHG inventory for the AFOLU sector

Exercise 1: Sharing experience on institutional arrangements in the AFOLU sector

Exercise 2: Technical challenges in the AFOLU sector

Day 3:

André Fabian (GIZ): Evolving Landscape of Transparency and Monitoring and Evaluation of Adaptation and SDG

Neha Rai (IIED): MEL for Adaptation and SDGs

Neha Rai (IIED): M&E for Adaptation and SDGs Group Exercises