
Training: ‘Evaluation and MRV of Energy Savings and Efficiency Measures’

Event Date

Background: Against the background that many countries intend to reach their climate targets via energy efficiency programmes, measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) of the respective greenhouse gas emission reductions become increasingly important. One day ahead of the International Energy Policy and Programme Evaluation Conference (IEPPEC) entitled “Make the Paris agreement a reality with effective evaluation for energy efficiency”, the International Partnership for Mitigation and MRV (IPMM) together with the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) organised a one-day training workshop on the evaluation and MRV of energy savings and efficiency programmes.

Objectives: This workshop brought together energy efficiency practitioners with MRV practitioners from partner countries of the Partnership to enhance the understanding of the main elements and practical tools for evaluating energy savings and related GHG emissions. Moreover, the training offered room for experience exchange and the presentation of good practices.

Results: The 25 participants, including representatives of Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Uruguay and Vietnam, as well as consultants and researchers from the field of energy efficiency evaluation, engaged in fruitful discussions on approaches for determining GHG emission reductions of energy efficiency measures. Expert inputs by the International Energy Agency (IEA), RVO and Klinckenberg Consultants provided background on baselines setting, how to deal with data gaps and challenges in data collection and the work with energy efficiency indicators. Breakout sessions with case studies from Chile, Uruguay, Vietnam and the Netherlands gave concrete insights into country-specific approaches for evaluating emission reductions of energy efficiency measures as well as how these measures can be incorporated into the biannual update reports to the UNFCCC.


Morning session

Klaus Wenzel (GIZ): GIZ-support to developing countries on international and domestic MRV requirements

Harry Vreuls (RVO): Steps for evaluating energy efficiency programmes and related GHG emissions (based on the IEA DSM Evaluation Guidebook)

Harry Vreuls (RVO): Baselines and Energy savings & GHG reductions

Frank Klinckenberg (Klinckenberg Consultants)Evaluation: promoting appliance energy efficiency in Ghana

Antonella Tambasco (Uruguayan Ministry of Industry)Uruguay national energy efficiency plan

Vuong Xuan Hoa (Vietnamese Ministry of Environment): MRV of mitigation actions in cement sector in Vietnam: experience from energy auditing and NAMA developing

Álvaro Soto Godoy (Chilean Agency of Energy Efficiency):  Mitigation initiatives: energy efficiency and reporting instruments in Chile

Afternoon session

Rodrigo Cabrera (Chilean Ministry of Environment)Development of a generic MRV framework of mitigation actions in Chile

Harry Vreuls (RVO): Policies and Measures in the Dutch BR 2

Frank Klinckenberg (Klinckenberg Consultants)How to deal with data gaps and challenges in data collection for evaluation purposes

Gianluca Tonolo (IEA): Tracking energy efficiency progress and related emission reductions: The role of data

Materials and Examples for incorporating mitigation actions in BURs


Miscellaneous documents

Uruguay registration request form

Uruguay energy saving goals


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